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Want to see what we are up to?

Check out pictures of the scene shop where our set it being built.

Leaf first stage

Leaf first stage

This is a leaf in the first stage of construction. It is made of metal wire and cut into the shape of a leaf. A wooden dowel rod is placed in the center to help keep the middle strong. Tape is wrapped around the edges to cover the sharp points.

Leaf second stage

Leaf second stage

This is a leaf in the second stage. This is when we add the paper mache to the wire. To make it more solid. When the paper mache dries, it becomes hard.

Leaf third stage

Leaf third stage

This is a leaf in the third stage. On top of the paper mache layer we add a layer of muslin, which is a fabric similar to canvas. The muslin is glued down. When it dries, the fabric shrinks some and takes the shape of the leaf.

Leaf final stage

Leaf final stage

In the final stage of leaf construction, we paint the leaf. The muslin is painted to look like different leaves. Now we have a completed leaf.



This is an acorn in the third stage of construction. It is ready to be painted. It is about the size of an adult's head!

Basket first stage

Basket first stage

This is a basket in the first stage of construction. It has a stick for a handle to make it seem more like it belongs in nature. As you can see, we are making a lot of different items to help make the show even better.

The stage floor

The stage floor

This is the stage floor in the theater. We put blue tape on the floor to show where the set will go. This helps the actors to rehearse while the set is being built.

Stage floor

Stage floor

This is another angle of the stage floor. When the floor is taped, the actors know where the different parts of the set will be. This way they know where different steps, levels, and ramps are.



These are some of the platforms that will be used for the set. It may just look like wood right now, but when it is finished it will look completely different.

Wood in the shop

Wood in the shop

This is one of our wood supplies in the shop. There are different kinds of wood that we use to build sets. One day all of this wood will be used to create different projects.

Table saw

Table saw

This is one of the saws we use to cut wood when we need to build sets. It is called a table saw.

Table saw

Table saw

This picture shows the blade of the table saw that cuts the wood. The plastic piece you see above it is a guard that protects use from getting cut when we use it. Safety First!

Compound Miter Saw

Compound Miter Saw

This is another saw that we use to cut wood. The blade is in the round guard you see. We push up and down on the handle to bring the blade down into the wood.

Using the saw

Using the saw

This is Andy, our shop manager. He makes sure that everyone is safe in the shop and working on their projects. Here he is using the saw to cut a piece of thin wood. The orange you see by his ears are ear plugs. The saws are very loud so it is important to protect you hearing. He is also wearing safety glasses so splinters don't hurt his eyes. Safety First!

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